5.2.3 Ration/identification cards

  • Issue ration or identification cards to each household. Cards should:
    • be pre-numbered sequentially
    • contain some form of identification such as a photograph, a physical description or fingerprints to discourage forgery
    • be of durable paper or plastic or digital identification chips
    • indicate the name of the card holder, usually the head of household
    • indicate the household size or number of individuals who depend on the card holder for their ration
    • break down household members by age groups
    • contain an address, e.g. village, camp sector
    • provide spaces to indicate distributions received
    • have a stated expiry date
    • include accountability information, such as how to make a complaint.
  • Consider issuing identification cards to female heads of households, especially for food commodity distributions, as this acknowledges women’s predominant role as guardians of the household goods in many cultures.
  • Keep blank ration cards in the office safe and inventory periodically to prevent unauthorised issuance (see Annex 19.8 Ration card format).
  • If identity cards are not feasible, issue tokens, books or tickets. For instructions on distribution systems using tokens see Annex 19.9, and section 12.1.1.