
1. Role of assessment in an emergency

1.1 CI roles and responsibilities for assessment

1.2 Role of the assessment team

2. Critical steps in assessment

3. Standards for assessment

3.1 Sphere initial assessment standard

3.2 OFDA FOG assessment process main points

3.3 Accountability and assessment

4. Activating the assessment process

4.1 Rapid-onset assessment process actions and decisions

4.2 Types of assessments

4.3 Providing relief assistance during assessments

5. Assessment planning and preparation

5.1 Assessment planning quick checklist

6. Terms of reference

6.1 Typical objectives of a CARE assessment mission

7. Area selection

7.1 Considerations regarding geographical focus

8. Team selection

8.1 Attributes of assessment teams

8.2 Effective team management

9. Logistics and support requirements

9.1 Assessment team logistics and administration support checklist

10. Conducting the assessment

10.1 Briefing on CO capacity

10.2 Basic information checklist

10.3 How to involve disaster-affected people in the assessment (adapted from The good enough guide, Tool 3)

10.4 Information sources

10.5 Data collection methods

10.6 Assessment tools

11. Data analysis and recommendations

11.1 Contextual analysis frameworks

11.2 Developing recommendations

12. Communicating, reporting and other outputs

12.1 Communicating preliminary findings

12.2 Final assessment report

12.3 Indicative budget

12.4 Other outputs

13. Cost of assessment missions

14. Annexes

15. Other resources

1. Role of programming in an emergency

1.1 CI roles and responsibilities for programming in an emergency

1.2 Role of programme coordinator (ACD programme, emergency coordinator)

2. Critical steps in programming

3. The nature of programming in emergencies

3.1 Stages in an emergency response

3.2 Checklist for good programming in emergencies

4. Developing a programme strategy

4.1 What a programme strategy is

4.2 Why programme strategy is important

4.3 Developing the strategy

4.4 The strategy document

4.5 Communicating the strategy

5. Analysis

5.1 Brief strategy analysis checklist

6. Scenario analysis

7. Critical issues affecting the response

8. Alignment with CARE’s principles

8.1 CARE’s programming principles

8.2 Common international principles and standards

9. Strategy goals, objectives and interventions

9.1 Goal and objectives

9.2 Key interventions

9.3 Policy issues, cross-cutting issues and programming approaches

10. Phasing

10.1 Phases of a disaster

11. Targeting

11.1 Geographic focus

11.2 Target groups and targeting strategies

11.3 Vulnerable groups

11.4 Attending to the special needs of vulnerable groups

12. Partnerships and coordination

13. Exit and transition strategy

14. Risk analysis

15. Monitoring and evaluation

16. Resourcing

17. Operational plans

18. Annexes

19. Other resources

1. Role of operational planning

2. Tips for operational planning

1. Role of funds mobilisation in an emergency

1.1 CI roles and responsibilities for funds mobilisation

1.2 Role of the Country Director/Team Leader

2. Critical steps in funds mobilisation management

3. Activating global fundraising

3.1 First 48 hours fundraising checklist

4. Funding targets and strategy

4.1 Establishing targets

4.2 Example of fundraising targets

4.3 Initial appeal and response strategy

4.4 Fundraising options and strategy

4.5 Tracking progress

5. CARE’s emergency response fund mechanisms

5. 1 Emergency response fund mechanisms

6. Accessing institutional donor funding

6.1 Primary institutional donors with direct relationships with CARE Members

6.2 Bilateral donors with no direct CARE Member relationship

6.3 UN and other multilateral donors

6.4 Personnel funding programmes

7. Private fundraising

7.1 How CI Members raise funds from private donors

7.2 Coordinating with CI Members

8. Cost recovery

8.1 Cost recovery checklist for COs

9. Funds management and reporting

10. Annexes

11. Other resources

1. Role of proposal writing in an emergency

1.1 CI roles and responsibilities for proposal writing

1.2 Role of the proposal writer

2. Critical steps in proposal writing

3. The importance of the proposal

4. Coordinating the proposal development process

5. Aligning proposals with the programme strategy

6. Concept papers

7. Writing proposals

7.1 Proposal formats

7.2 Tips for proposal writing

8. Budget preparation

8.1 Emergency response quick budget checklist

9. Submission of proposals

10. Tracking of proposals

11. Documentation and handover

12. Annexes

13. Other resources

1. Role of donor contract management in an emergency

1.1 CI roles and responsibilities for contract management

1.2 Contract management functions in an emergency response team

2. Critical steps for donor contract management

3. General contract compliance requirements

4. Submission of proposals (narrative and budget)

4.1 Using correct donor formats and guidelines

4.2 Coordination arrangements with CARE International Members and donors

4.3 Preliminary review of potential financial and contractual issues

4.4 Review of PIFA and IPIA status

5. Approval and signing of donor (project) contract and IPIA

5.1 Reviewing and approving signature of the contract

5.2 Preparation of IPIA

6. Transition from contract signing to management of project implementation

6.1 Project core files

6.2 Documentation and briefing to project implementation and support staff

7. Ongoing contract administration during implementation and monitoring

7.1 Monitoring contract compliance and managing required changes

7.2 Managing sub-grants

7.3 Reporting

8. Document retention

9. Additional guidelines for non-presence operations

10. Annexes

11. Other resources

1. Introduction

2. The role of the project manager

3. Project documents checklist

4. Project management in a sudden-onset emergency

5. Project management in a slow-onset emergency

6. Work planning and scheduling

7. Budget management

1. Role of media and communications in emergencies

Roles and responsibilities

Follow-the-sun protocol

Protracted emergencies vs rapid onset

2. Critical Steps in Communication & Media Management


What to share: when and how

Critical first steps in emergency media management: what to do and when

Deploying communications staff

3. Gathering photos, videos and stories

Protocol for Hiring Photographers in Emergencies

Informed consent

Content gathering guidelines and tips

4. Emergency communications in a sensitive context

Risk analysis and messaging

Crisis Communications & the Crisis Event Communications Team (CECT)

Humanitarian principles in communication

5. Working with the media


Talking points & emergency messaging

Writing a press release

6. Key resources

7. Annexes