3. What to do when the emergency hits

Who does what?
The following actions are done by a team at CO level. Make sure you decide how to share these tasks. Don't overload one person! Things only the CD can do are noted below. The CD, ACD's and the emergency coordinator work together to manage the response and lead the emergency response team to make sure everything gets done.
- Make sure all CARE staff are safe.
- Start using the instructions in the emergency management protocols
- Send an emergency alert (if not already sent). CARE Humanitarian Affairs will then contact you.
- Call an ERT meeting to make plans and decide who will do what.
- Set up an operations room for the Emergency Response Team
- Refer to your Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Start coordinating with disaster-affected communities, local authorities, the UN, humanitarian clusters and NGOs.
- Make sure the Country Director talks to their CO line manager; the Lead Member Emergency Director; CARE Humanitarian Affairs; the Regional Humanitarian Director.
- Keep finding out as much as you can about the emergency and any responses.
- Find your Gender in Brief and share with CARE Humanitarian Affairs as soon as possible.