3. HOW to integrate gender into an emergency response?
CARE’s gender in emergencies approach focuses on mainstreamed, integrated and targeted actions and initiatives. The approach has four key areas. These are also outlined in CARE’s Gender in Emergencies Guidance note.
Rapid Gender Analysis provides timely and critical information in times of crisis. RGA gathers information about different needs, risks, capacities, priorities, and coping strategies of people affected. RGA prioritizes hearing from people of different age, sex and diversity groups.
A Rapid Gender Analysis seeks to understand these three questions:
- What gendered-related rights denials exist in a given context?
- How gender relations will affect the achievement of sustainable results?
- How proposed results affect the relative status of men and women? Will it exacerbate or reduce inequalities?
RGA looks at the roles and relationships between women, girls, boys and men. It ensures a focus on key areas of intersectionality that exist in the specific context. An RGA is a “live document” built in a progressive way. It provides an initial, but incomplete analysis of gender relations in an emergency. RGAs embrace imperfection. A level of imperfection is required to have data and information available timely, to inform humanitarian decision-making. RGA is then updated, as more information becomes available.
The steps of an RGA are:
- Step 0: Engage with partners (Please note that this step is only applicable for Interagency RGAs)
- Step 1: Find existing gender information
- Step 2: Collect new gender information
- Step 3: Analyse the gender information
- Step 4: Write and make practical recommendations
- Step 5: Share and update the RGA report
- Step 6: Track outcomes and learn from the RGA recommendations
Links to additional resources additional guidance can be found below:
- The CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Toolkit can be found in Section 8: Key tools and Resources of this Emergency Toolkit.
- Currently tools and approaches for Step 0 and Step 6 are internal and can only be accessed by CARE staff via this link **RGA Sharepoint page link coming soon
- All previous RGA’s can be found on CARE’s Evaluation Library
- RGA resources can also be found on the CARE Insights page
- A complementary set of videos can be found via this link.
- The CARE RGA links to more in-depth Gender and Power Analysis using the CARE Good Practice Framework.
Minimum Commitments for technical sectors
CARE has Minimum Commitments to ensure it’s staff and partners put in place programming and approaches that mainstream and integrate gender. Key sectors include Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH), Shelter, Food Security and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
Gender mainstreaming and integration helps ensure the provision of equitable services and assistance. This should take place at all stages of the humanitarian programme cycle. Attention to users’ safety, dignity and access is important. Minimum Commitments are people-centered commitments. These aim to improve the quality of response programmes. They take into consideration issues such as gender, gender-based violence, child protection, disability and age. These commitments support and reinforce CARE and partners’ accountability to the affected population.
CARE has developed a set of Minimum Commitments for its core sectors: WASH, Shelter, Food Security and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
Links to additional resources additional guidance can be found below:
- Gender equality programming and WASH guidance and the Emergency Gender and WASH tip Sheet and
- Gender inclusion in cash-for-work for shelter outcomes
- The following videos highlight the importance of GiE minimum commitments for sectoral programming, as well as provide an overview of minimum commitments for WASH in emergencies.
- The IASC Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action (2018) outlines commitments to mainstream gender within sectoral programming.
- Integration of specific indicators can be used to support the measurement and progress of gender in emergencies response and ensure accountability in programming.
Women Lead in Emergencies

Links to additional resources additional guidance can be found below:
- The CARE Women Lead in Emergency Toolkit can be found in Section 8: Key tools and Resources of this Emergency Toolkit.
- Internal Resources for CARE staff can be found on Sharepoint
- External Resources can be found on CARE Insights.
Gender-based Violence in Emergencies (GBViE)
CARE’s programmatic approach to address GBV in Emergencies focuses on GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response.
CARE defines GBV as: a harmful act or threat based on a person’s sex or gender identity. It includes physical, sexual and psychological abuse, coercion, denial of liberty and economic deprivation, whether occurring in public or private spheres. GBV is rooted in unjust power relations, structures and social/cultural norms.
Gender-based Violence (GBV) takes many forms in times of crisis, both in private and public life. Emergencies can increase gender inequality and exacerbate GBV risks. This can be due to the chaos and tensions within households, communities and society during times of crisis.
Evidence and research show that GBV occurs in all emergencies worldwide. As a result, we do not wait to prove GBV is occurring before taking action.
CARE informs its work to address GBViE, in part, by using Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA).
CARE’s GBViE Guidance Note outlines CARE’s commitments to GBViE. This includes integrated and stand-alone programming approaches.
Links to all GBViE resources can be found below:
- CARE Emergency Toolkit Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies page.