8. Key tools and Other Resources
GiE Guidance Note Series
- An Overview: Making Emergencies Work for Women, Men, Boys, Girls
- GiE Mini-Guide for the Project Life Cycle
- Emergency Preparedness Planning
- Gender Action Plan
- Gender-sensitive Partnerships
- Gender in Brief
- Gender Marker
- Proposal Development and Project Design
- Rapid Gender Analysis
- GiE and Human Resources
- GiE and Project Budgeting
GiE Orientations
- GiE Orientation for Senior Management and Humanitarian Teams
- GiE Orientation for Emergency Sector Specialists
- Orientation for GiE Specialists
GiE Approach Areas – Summaries
- CARE Gender in Emergencies Approach
- Rapid Gender Analysis Summary
- Women Lead in Emergencies
- Gender-based Violence in Emergencies
Rapid Gender Analysis
- RGA Overview Powerpoint
- RGA Summary (English), Français
- RGA Report Template (English), Français, Español
- Gender in Brief Template
Rapid Gender Analysis Guidance Note Series
- Preparing a Rapid Gender Analysis (English), Español
- Preparing a Gender in Brief (English), Français
- Secondary Data Review (coming soon!)
- Using RGA Assessment Tools (English), Français
- Analysing RGA Data (English), Français, Español
- Data Analysis Workshop Guidance
- Making Recommendations for Rapid Gender Analysis (English), Français, Español
- Sharing RGA Reports, (English), Français, Español
- RGA during COVID-19
- Secondary Data Review during COVID-19
- Ethical Considerations during COVID-19
Rapid Gender Analysis Tools
- Sex and age disaggregated data, Français, Español
- Individual Story (English), Français, Español
- Focus Group Discussion, Français, Español
- Gender and Protection Audit (English), Français, Español
- Key Informant Interview (English), Français, Español
- Community Mapping (English), Français
- Survey Questionnaire, Français, Español
- Additional Sector Specific Questions (English), Français, Español
- Consent Form (English), Français, Español
Additional resources for CARE staff conducting RGA’s, including RGAs during COVID can be found internally on the RGA Sharepoint Page (Coming soon!)
All previous RGA’s can be found on CARE’s Evaluation Library
For persons external to CARE, additional resources can be found on CARE Insights
Women Lead in Emergencies
- CARE Women Lead in Emergencies Summary
- CARE Women Lead in Emergencies Orientation Guide *please note that some links in the orientation guide are external and others link to internal CARE-only resources
- CARE Women Lead in Emergencies Frequently Asked Questions
Rapid Gender Analysis on Power and Participation (RGA-P) Tools
- Key Informant Interview Tool (CSO/WRO/Leaders)
- Key Informant Interview Tool (CSO)
- Focus Group Discussion Tool (Women)
- Focus Group Discussion Tool (Men)
- Individual Story Tool
- Community Mapping Tool
- Gender and Protection Audit
- RGA-P Report Template
Women Lead in Emergencies Guidance Note Series
- Guidance Note 1: Overview (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Guidance Note 2: Reflect (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Guidance Note 3: Analyse (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Guidance Note 4: Co-create (English), عربي,Français, Español
- Guidance Note 5: Act (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Guidance Note 6: Learn (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Guidance Note 7: COVID (English), عربي, Français, Español
For CARE staff, additional resources for Women Lead in Emergencies can be found on the CARE Sharepoint page
For persons external to CARE, additional resources can be found on CARE Insights
Gender-based Violence in Emergencies
For CARE staff, additional resources to support GBV programming can be found on the CARE Sharepoint page
For persons external to CARE, additional resources can be found in the GBViE section of the CARE Emergency Toolkit
CARE Gender Marker
- Gender Marker Summary
- Guidance Note (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Vetting Form (English), Français, Español, Português
Gender Marker Mini Guides
- Activities (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Analysis (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Participation (English), عربي, Français, Español
- Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) (English), عربي, Français, Español
Additional Resources
CARE resources
- Gender Orientation Pack
- CARE Good Practice Framework
- Minimum Commitment to: WASH, Shelter, Food Security and SRHRiE
- Gender equality and women’s voiceguidance note
- Gender Equality Women’s Voice (GEWV) indicators
External resources
For featured videos in this toolkit, see the links below:
- Reflections on CARE’s approach and good practices: 5 things to know about our GiE work.
- CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis learning series
- GiE minimum commitments for sectoral programming, and a specific focus on minimum commitments for WASH in emergencies.
- CARE’s Gender Marker video series
- GiE budgeting and proposal writing
- Tips and reflections from a deployable GiE Specialist