8. Key tools and Other Resources

GiE Guidance Note Series 

GiE Orientations

GiE Approach Areas – Summaries

Rapid Gender Analysis

Rapid Gender Analysis Guidance Note Series

Rapid Gender Analysis Tools

Additional resources for CARE staff conducting RGA’s, including RGAs during COVID can be found internally on the RGA Sharepoint Page (Coming soon!)

All previous RGA’s can be found on CARE’s Evaluation Library

For persons external to CARE, additional resources can be found on CARE Insights

Women Lead in Emergencies

Rapid Gender Analysis on Power and Participation (RGA-P) Tools

Women Lead in Emergencies Guidance Note Series 

For CARE staff, additional resources for Women Lead in Emergencies can be found on the CARE Sharepoint page

For persons external to CARE, additional resources can be found on CARE Insights

Gender-based Violence in Emergencies

For CARE staff, additional resources to support GBV programming can be found on the CARE Sharepoint page

For persons external to CARE, additional resources can be found in the GBViE section of the CARE Emergency Toolkit

CARE Gender Marker

Gender Marker Mini Guides

Additional Resources

CARE resources

External resources

For featured videos in this toolkit, see the links below: