Selecting and developing project indicators
Operational Standards
Key CVA-related issues and related indicators are defined to monitor at process, activity, output and outcome level
Key Actions
- Identify and select a minimum number of indicators to ensure the cash and/or voucher distribution process, activities and outcomes are monitored (and by paying attention to gender including gender based risks). Indicators must ensure CVA related risks are monitored (access to CVA for different gender groups for instance)
- CALP Monitoring Guidance for CTP in emergencies
- Table 1: CTP specific process monitoring issues
- Table 2: CTP process and output indicators
- Table 5: Monitoring issues related to immediate-term CTP outcomes
- Grand Bargain Cash Workstream
- CALP Monitoring Guidance for CTP in emergencies
- Define a program-wide approach to MEAL data that collects and analyzes all data by sex disability and age groups (in line with Gender Marker Guidance and CARE CVA Strategic Commitment 3.3). Disability and other vulnerabilities should also be considered, and appropriate data should be collected where practical.
- Identify and select a minimum number of indicators to ensure the effect of CVA on the markets are monitored
- UNHCR, Multi-sector Market Assessment: Companion Guide and Toolkit
- Incorporate these CVA indicators into the overall programme monitoring plan
- IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit