6.1 CARE’s commitment to people living with HIV

We ensure that our humanitarian programmes reduce vulnerability to HIV infection and address the needs of people living with HIV (PLHIV) and affected communities.

CARE is committed to upholding the code of practice, Renewing our voice: Code of good practice for NGOs responding to HIV and AIDS (Annex 9.3.1). This code was developed by CARE International and 11 other international NGOs. The code commits signatories to the following key principles:

  • We advocate for the meaningful involvement of PLHA and affected communities in all aspects of the HIV/AIDS response.
  • We protect and promote human rights in our work.
  • We apply public health principles within our work.
  • We address the causes of vulnerability to HIV infection and the impacts of HIV/AIDS.
  • Our programmes are informed by evidence in order to respond to the needs of those most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and its consequences.

Source: Renewing our voice, 2004.

Through CARE’s commitment to the Sphere Minimum Standards, CARE also addresses HIV/AIDS as a cross-cutting issue in emergency response. The Sphere handbook should be consulted for programming guidance across the sectors to prevent transmission and ensure the care of people living with HIV/AIDS.