1.2 Suggested minimum standards for conflict-sensitive emergency response

The components of a conflict sensitive approach are:

  • To conduct a conflict analysis (and update it regularly)
  • To link the analysis with the programming cycle of the intervention
  • To design, implement, monitor and evaluate the project/programme in a conflict sensitive way.

Research undertaken by CARE suggests the following minimum standards for achieving this, whilst recognising that longer term responses can, and should, go beyond this.

  • Long-term emergency response preparedness plans include a regularly updated conflict analysis, as well as conflict-sensitivity training for both senior and operational staff
  • A ‘Good Enough’ conflict analysis, which considers potential impacts of the interventions, is included as part of the rapid emergency assessment phase (see 3.1 below)
  • Partnership strategies (including the selection, identity and spread of partners) are analysed in relation to potential conflict risks
  • All new staff, both international and local, are given orientation including information on the conflict context
  • Participatory methods are used to foster community engagement in developing targeting criteria and managing distributions, non-beneficiaries are consulted
  • During post-distribution monitoring and conflict-related questions are included in post-distribution monitoring tools
  • Conflict benchmarks are included within Real-Time Evaluations and After Action Reviews.

Source: CARE International UK and CAFOD 2011. Learning Review on Conflict Sensitivity in Emergency Response: Current Practice and Recommendations for the Future.

To reflect this we have a rapid onset emergency checklist, as well as guidance for slower onset situations where more time is available for analysis and developing programming options.