3.2.2 Primary production
- Distribution of seeds, tools and fertiliser can encourage agricultural production, as starter packs to returnees or to diversify crops.
- A seed security assessment must be performed before any seed intervention: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5548e.pdf
- Seed vouchers and fairs are an alternative to direct distribution of seeds. Seed vouchers are provided to potential buyers. A seed fair is organised to bring together potential sellers, and creates a market for the vouchers to be used to buy seed (see FAO link: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/aq418e/aq418e.pdf ) . This approach stimulates local seed procurement systems while increasing buyer access to a wide range of seeds.
- Livestock interventions can include animal health measures, emergency destocking, restocking of livestock, distribution of livestock fodder and nutritional supplementation; livestock refuges, and provision of alternative water sources. The Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards – LEGS – provide detailed and phased guidelines: http://www.livestock-emergency.net/
- Distribution of fish nets and gear or hunting implements can help restore people’s ability to catch food where these tools have been lost in a disaster.
- Promotion of food processing can be supported by humanitarian agencies to help the community be able to utilise available food, either with direct cash or in-kind support to the millers etc., , or with vouchers to beneficiairies
- Local and agricultural extension services can help improve food production.
- Training and education in relevant skills can strengthen food security.