3.2.1 Food distribution and nutritional support
- Food distribution provides free food assistance directly to households and is of great importance to ensure food security in the short term. Food distribution can be targeted or cover all the families of a given region (blanket distribution).
- Supplementary feeding to reduce the prevalence of mild and moderate malnutrition. Fortified Blended Foods (the main one being CSB = Corn Soya Blend) provide proteins supplements and compact food such as the BP5 that are targeted at children with mild and moderate malnutrition and pregnant and lactating women as take home rations or on site-feeding. Basic medical care is sometimes provided (e.g. de-worming, immunisation, vitamin A supplementation). Note that BP5 is usually available in the CARE stock in Dubai. See description and use of the product here: http://documents.wfp.org/stellent/groups/public/documents/manual_guide_proced/wfp260004.pdf
- Therapeutic care to treat and reduce the prevalence of severe acute malnutrition and prevent mortality. Therapeutic foods such as F75, F100 (both therapeutic milks) and Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF – example: Plumpy Nut) are provided to the severely malnourished. Those without medical complications treated in the community while those with medical complications receive specialised medical care at health care units or stabilisation centres (see Chapter Health)
- Infant and young child feeding support to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and promote timely and appropriate complementary feeding from 6 months and continued until 12 months of age and beyond.
- Check this link to have an overview of nutritious foods available: https://www.wfp.org/nutrition/special-nutritional-products and http://documents.wfp.org/stellent/groups/public/documents/communications/wfp255508.pdf?_ga=1.252003405.576055569.1485350970